Giving Guidelines

Karma Initiative Giving Guidelines

SCYC Karma Initiatives are our way of giving back to the community around us through karma yoga, fundraising and volunteer opportunities that aim to make a difference in the Calgary and area community. 

SCYC raises funds and awareness through karma yoga classes and donations received through Gatherings and other SCYC events and uses these funds to support local grassroots organizations that align with SCYC’s values.  We also give back to the community with energy, time and service by volunteering with the organizations we support.

Who We Support

SCYC supports organizations that:

  • Serve Calgary and area communities.
  • Are small, non-denominational and apolitical.
  • Provide services that foster one or more of the following benefits in the wider community:
    • Community well-being.
    • The longevity of and our connection with nature.
    • Mindfulness and a conscientious way of life.

How We Support

  • Providing volunteers to support events.
  • Donating goods to support members of the wider community.
  • One-time monetary donations.
  • Ongoing and/or scheduled monetary support.





What We Don’t Support

  • Administrative costs and core operating expenses.
  • Individual pursuits.
  • Religious organizations (except when they represent non-denominational community support, such as food banks, etc.).

Becoming a Community Partner



If your organization is interested in working with the Sheep Creek Yoga Collective through our Karma Initiatives, please email [email protected] with the following information:


  • A description of your organization, its service area and the types of services it provides.
  • The type of support (monetary or volunteers) and commitment (dollar value, volunteer hours, etc.) being requested.
  • How your organization aligns with SCYC’s values.


Applications for support will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the SCYC Karma Initiative Committee.


Image courtesy of Kate Rhodes Photography